Cheers 2015!
Cheers 2015! You gave me one heck of year with joy, sadness, and pride. In no real order other than what comes to mind first. Here are 5 things I will always remember about you 2015 as you fade off into the sunset.
Thrasher’s Death
In June, 2015 you brought me great heartache and sadness when we lost Thrasher; my first service dog. He was 13, a month shy of turning 14. Even though he was a “dog” he was my right hand man. In Thrasher’s 13 years I believe I experienced almost every major life event with him. He was a best man in my wedding, he laid beside during the closing of our house. He laid by me for countless hours as I wrote papers and my thesis in my master’s program. Finally, during Rachel’s pregnancy he was at every appointment and he was in the hospital during Jacob’s birth and stay. Thrasher was Jacob’s first dog and had a major impact on him. To this day, 6 months later Jacob brings Thrasher up in conversation.
Jacob Potty Trained
Yup, 2015 you brought me a diaper free life in August, By the end of August we were diaper free! All the credit goes to Rachel. It was actually a fun and comical period of time; the first potty he used outside of our house and his school was at a QT gas station. QT is large chain here in Atlanta and for the next few weeks we HAD to stop at EVERY QT we saw!
New Power Chair
By the end of August, 2015 brought me a new power wheelchair that opened a entirely new level of independence. I use the seat elevator practically everyday. Just yesterday, I used the seat elevator to lift Jacob’s bike into the back of the van to go to the park.
Jacob’s Soccer
Yes 2015, you made my wife a “Soccer Mom” and I a proud dad of a son who plays sports. In September Jacob took a 8 week introductory course in soccer. He loves soccer and he is excited about getting back out there in January. He was a young 3 year old when he started. I look forward to seeing the change in him on the field since he has matured a bit.
Pinterest Project
Last but not least I tried my hand at craftsmanship. I wanted to get Jacob something he could play with his Legos on yet not have to worry about tearing down what he built when it was time put toys away. My first thought was a Lego table but everything I saw was really small or gigantic with a single purpose! I had a idea for a portable Lego board but I wasn’t completely sure how to do it. I did a little searching on Pinterest and found what I had in mind. I got all the materials and my friend’s hands served as mine. In about 30 minutes Jacob had his Lego board and I completed my first Pinterest project.
I am excited to welcome in 2016 and see what’s in store over the next 12 months. I look forward to new levels of fun and adventures as a family. The 3 Amigos or as Jacob says a “family team.”